all files / contracts/Entity/ ListingContract.sol

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 * @name        Funding Contract
 * @package     BlockBitsIO
 * @author      Micky Socaci <[email protected]>
 Contains the Listing Contract
 - used by the platform to find child campaigns
 - used by mobile application to retrieve News Items
ropsten - 0x1ec6988a826c4236b3b07c5eed9059e3aa033fe2
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
import "./../ApplicationAsset.sol";
import "./../ApplicationEntityABI.sol";
contract ListingContract is ApplicationAsset {
    address public managerAddress;
    // child items
    struct item {
        bytes32 name;
        address itemAddress;
        bool    status;
        uint256 index;
    mapping ( uint256 => item ) public items;
    uint256 public itemNum = 0;
    event EventNewChildItem(bytes32 _name, address _address, uint256 _index);
    function ListingContract() ApplicationAsset() public {
    // deployer address, sets the address who is allowed to add entries, in order to avoid a code upgrade at first milestone.
    function setManagerAddress(address _manager) public onlyDeployer {
        managerAddress = _manager;
    function addItem(bytes32 _name, address _address) public requireInitialised {
        require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == managerAddress); // only application
        item storage child = items[++itemNum]; = _name;
        child.itemAddress = _address;
        child.status = true;
        child.index = itemNum;
        EventNewChildItem( _name, _address, itemNum);
    * Get current News Contract address
    * @return       address NewsContractEntity
    function getNewsContractAddress(uint256 _childId) external view returns (address) {
        item memory child = items[_childId];
        if(child.itemAddress != address(0x0)) {
            ApplicationEntityABI ChildApp = ApplicationEntityABI(child.itemAddress);
            return ChildApp.NewsContractEntity();
        } else {
    function canBeDelisted(uint256 _childId) public view returns (bool) {
        item memory child = items[_childId];
        Eif(child.status == true) {
            ApplicationEntityABI ChildApp = ApplicationEntityABI(child.itemAddress);
                ChildApp.CurrentEntityState() == ChildApp.getEntityState("WAITING") ||
                ChildApp.CurrentEntityState() == ChildApp.getEntityState("NEW"))
                return true;
        return ;
    function getChildStatus( uint256 _childId ) public view returns (bool) {
        item memory child = items[_childId];
        return child.status;
    // update so that this checks the child status, and only delists IF funding has not started yet.
    function delistChild( uint256 _childId ) public onlyAsset("Proposals") requireInitialised {
        Erequire(canBeDelisted(_childId) == true );
        item storage child = items[_childId];
            child.status = false;