Starting our own testrpc instance at port 8555
Generating coverage environment
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Algorithms/TokenSCADA1Market.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Algorithms/TokenSCADAGeneric.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/ApplicationAsset.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/ApplicationEntity.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/ApplicationEntityABI.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/ApplicationEntitySecond.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/BountyManager.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/Funding.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/FundingManager.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/FundingVault.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/ListingContract.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/Meetings.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/Milestones.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/NewsContract.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/Proposals.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/Token.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/TokenManager.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Entity/UpgradeTestAsset.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/GatewayInterface.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Inputs/FundingInputDirect.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Inputs/FundingInputGeneral.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/Inputs/FundingInputMilestone.sol
Skipping instrumentation of  ./coverageEnv/contracts/misc/Migrations.sol
Skipping instrumentation of  ./coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/math/Math.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/math/SafeMath.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/token/BasicToken.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/token/ERC20.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/token/ERC20Basic.sol
Instrumenting  ./coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/token/StandardToken.sol
Running: node --max-old-space-size=4096 ../node_modules/.bin/truffle test --network coverage
(this can take a few seconds)...
Using network 'coverage'.

Compiling ./contracts/Algorithms/TokenSCADA1Market.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Algorithms/TokenSCADAGeneric.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/ApplicationAsset.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/ApplicationEntity.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/ApplicationEntityABI.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/ApplicationEntitySecond.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/BountyManager.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/Funding.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/FundingManager.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/FundingVault.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/ListingContract.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/Meetings.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/Milestones.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/NewsContract.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/Proposals.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/Token.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/TokenManager.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Entity/UpgradeTestAsset.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/GatewayInterface.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Inputs/FundingInputDirect.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Inputs/FundingInputGeneral.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/Inputs/FundingInputMilestone.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/misc/Migrations.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/zeppelin/math/Math.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/zeppelin/math/SafeMath.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/zeppelin/token/BasicToken.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/zeppelin/token/ERC20.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/zeppelin/token/ERC20Basic.sol...
Compiling ./contracts/zeppelin/token/StandardToken.sol...
Compiling ./test/helpers/ExecutionTarget.sol...
Compiling ./test/helpers/SolidityAccountUtils.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/EmptyStub.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/GenericCaller.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/SafeMathMock.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/SampleRecipientSuccess.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/SampleRecipientThrow.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestApplicationAsset.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestApplicationEntity.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestApplicationEntityABI.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestApplicationEntityBad.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestApplicationEntitySecond.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestBountyManager.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestERC20Caller.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestFunding.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestFundingInputMock.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestFundingManager.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestFundingVault.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestGatewayInterface.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestListingContract.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestMeetings.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestMilestones.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestNewsContract.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestProposals.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestToken.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestTokenManager.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestTokenSCADA1Market.sol...
Compiling ./test/mocks/TestUpgradeTestAsset.sol...

Compilation warnings encountered:

/Volumes/Dev/ico/dev/coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/math/Math.sol:9:3: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
  function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal returns (uint64) {
Spanning multiple lines.
,/Volumes/Dev/ico/dev/coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/math/Math.sol:13:3: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
  function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal returns (uint64) {
Spanning multiple lines.
,/Volumes/Dev/ico/dev/coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/math/Math.sol:17:3: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
  function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
Spanning multiple lines.
,/Volumes/Dev/ico/dev/coverageEnv/contracts/zeppelin/math/Math.sol:21:3: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
  function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) {
Spanning multiple lines.
,/Volumes/Dev/ico/dev/coverageEnv/test/helpers/SolidityAccountUtils.sol:8:5: Warning: Function state mutability can be restricted to view
    function getBalance(address _address) public returns (uint256) {
Spanning multiple lines.

   Running test collections [28]. 

  Contract: SafeMath
   multiplies correctly (96ms)
   adds correctly (65ms)
   subtracts correctly (48ms)
   should throw an error if subtraction result would be negative
   should throw an error on addition overflow
   should throw an error on multiplication overflow

  Contract: ERC20 Token
   creation: in contract settings should match constructor parameters (192ms)
   creation: should create a correct initial balance for the creator
   creation: test correct setting of vanity information (109ms)
   creation: should succeed in creating over 2^256 - 1 (max) tokens (90ms)
   transfers: ether transfer should be reversed.
   transfers: should transfer 10000 to accounts[1] with accounts[0] having 10000 (68ms)
   transfers: should fail when trying to transfer total amount +1 to accounts[1] with accounts[0] having total amount (67ms)
   transfers: should handle zero-transfers normally (57ms)
   transfers: should throw if receiver address is 0x0
   transferFrom: should throw if receiver address is 0x0 (50ms)
   approvals: msg.sender should approve 100 to accounts[1] (46ms)
   approvals: msg.sender approves accounts[1] of 100 & withdraws 20 once. (290ms)
   approvals: msg.sender approves accounts[1] of 100 & withdraws 20 twice. (269ms)
   approvals: msg.sender approves accounts[1] of 100 & withdraws 50 & 60 (2nd tx should fail) (235ms)
   approvals: attempt withdrawal from account with no allowance (should fail) (61ms)
   approvals: allow accounts[1] 100 to withdraw from accounts[0]. Withdraw 60 and then approve 0 & attempt transfer. (116ms)
   approvals: approve max (2^256 - 1) (44ms)
   approvals: msg.sender approves accounts[1] of max (2^256 - 1) & withdraws 20 (177ms)
   allowance: should start with zero
   allowance: should increase by 50 then decrease by 10 (120ms)
   allowance: should be set to zero if decrease value is higher than existing (73ms)
   events: should fire Transfer event properly
   events: should fire Transfer event normally on a zero transfer
   events: should fire Approval event properly

  Contract: Gateway Interface
   initializes with empty properties
     throws if address is empty ( 0x0 )
     throws if calling object misses the initialize() method
     throws if current Application cannot initialize Assets properly (166ms)
     links Application if valid (104ms)
     creates "Upgrade Proposal" if a previous Application is already linked (706ms)
     throws if sender is not current Application
     works if sender is current Application (572ms)
     throws if current Application cannot transfer assets to new application (336ms)
     throws if current Application cannot initialize new application (551ms)
     throws if current Application cannot lock itself after transferring assets (539ms)
      misc for extra coverage
       getNewsContractAddress returns actual linked NewsContract Asset address
       getListingContractAddress returns actual linked ListingContract Asset address

  Contract: Application Assets
     works if linking an asset for the first time (89ms)
     throws if already owned (70ms)
     works if called by deployer account and asset is not locked already (100ms)
     throws if called before initialization
     throws if called when settings are already applied (100ms)
     throws if not called by deployer's account (54ms)
     works if asset is initialized and owned by an application (96ms)
     works if asset has settings and they are applied (150ms)
     throws if asset name does not exist in the app's mapping (110ms)
     works if current caller is owner and requested address is not 0x0 (181ms)
     throws if called when internal owner address is invalid
     throws if owned and called by other address (89ms)
     throws if new address is 0x0 (62ms)
    Application Bylaws in Application Asset
     getAppBylawBytes32 returns correct value set by project settings (60ms)
     getAppBylawUint256 returns correct value set by project settings (60ms)

  Contract: Application Entity
   initializes with empty properties (56ms)
   initializes with deployer address properly (141ms)
     sets and returns a bylaw bytes32 if not initialized (165ms)
     throws if if application is already initialized (79ms)
     throws if application is not initialized
     returns correct value set by setBylawBytes32 if application is initialized (98ms)
     sets and returns a bylaw uint256 if not initialized (159ms)
     throws if if application is already initialized (77ms)
    application bylaws validation
     sets and returns all string and uint256 bylaws (1321ms)
     throws if application is not initialized
     returns correct value set by setBylaw if application is initialized (93ms)
     throws if called when already initialized (54ms)
     throws if called with owner missing ( gateway )
     works if owner is set, and it's the one calling (98ms)
     throws if not an asset (85ms)
     throws if any asset has a 0x0 address (54ms)
     throws if caller is not gateway
     throws if caller is not Proposals Asset (126ms)
     throws if sender is not gateway
     works if sender is gateway (71ms)
     throws if called when owner already exists
     throws if called when already initialized
     will emit EventAppEntityReady on initial linking (97ms)
     will emit EventNewProposalCreated if a previous ApplicationEntity is already linked (670ms)
     throws if called when already initialized (83ms)
     throws if called by any other address than initial deployer (68ms)
     linking an asset will emit EventAppEntityInitAsset event (80ms)
     linking all assets will emit the same number of EventAppEntityInitAsset events (722ms)
     linking an asset, then linking the same asset again, will replace it in mapping (207ms)

  Contract: Application Entity Second
     throws if not an asset (108ms)
     throws if name does not match the asset (117ms)
     throws if caller is not the deployer (75ms)
     works if caller is the deployer, and asset was already added (115ms)

  Contract: Gateway and Application Integration
   initial deployment (95ms)
   first linking (171ms)
    Application upgrades
     first upgrade (628ms)
     second upgrade (1297ms)
     throws if an upgrade request is received from an account that does not pass validCodeUpgradeInitiator check (194ms)
     mock: works if an upgrade request is received and current ApplicationEntity canInitiateCodeUpgrade allows it (460ms)

  Contract: TokenManager Asset
     properly sets up the tokens if initialized (90ms)
     properly sets up the Token SCADA (170ms)
     returns boolean value stored in SCADA Contract (91ms)

  Contract: ListingContract Asset
     throws if caller is not deployer
     works if caller is applicationEntity (66ms)
     throws if addItem caller is not applicationEntity
     works if caller is applicationEntity (126ms)
     works if caller is manager address (157ms)
     throws if the child does not actually exist
     throws if the child itemAddress is invalid (112ms)
     returns a news contract address if the child is an actual ApplicationEntity (757ms)
     throws if called by any address other than Proposals Asset (45ms)
     works if called by proposals asset, resulting in a child with status == false (140ms)

  Contract: NewsContract Asset
     throws if called by anyone else but the deployer address
     works if called by deployer address (107ms)
     throws if called by anyone else but the Application address
     works if called by Application address (80ms)

  Contract: Funding Vault
   initializes with empty properties (115ms)
   addPayment throws if not initialized
     throws if called when already initialized
     works if settings are correct and has not been initialized before (216ms)
     FUNDING_DIRECT_METHOD - works with correct settings and caller (208ms)
     FUNDING_MILESTONE_METHOD - works with correct settings and caller (175ms)
     throws if msg.value is missing
     throws if payment method does not exist
     throws if called by other address than manager (funding contract)
     handles multiple payments, irregardless of funding method provided (115ms)

  Contract: Bounty Manager
   token balance matches bylaws
    Before Funding ended
     throws if sendBounty is called (79ms)
    After Funding ended
     throws if sendBounty is called by anyone else but deployer (73ms)
     throws if sendBounty amount is higher than remaining value (80ms)
     works if sendBounty is called by deployer and value is lower than remaining (74ms)

  Contract: Funding Asset
   deploys with no Funding Stages
   deploys with no multiSigOutputAddress
   deploys with no Funding Inputs (129ms)
   has Funding Inputs once initialized
     throws if called when settings are locked (145ms)
     throws if global soft cap is greater than global hard cap
     properly sets up the funding settings (115ms)
    first funding stage
     successfully creates a funding stage with proper settings (92ms)
     throws if end time is before or equal to start time
     throws if token selling percentage is higher than 100%
      SCADA Disallows Record Hard Cap, Requires Globals
       throws if soft cap exists
       throws if hard cap exists
       works if hard cap and soft cap is 0 (94ms)
      when at least 1 funding stage already exists
       successfully creates the second funding stage with proper settings (95ms)
       throws if new funding stage start time overlaps existing stage (41ms)
       throws if new funding stage + existing stage sell more than 100% of tokens
    funding stages added, asset initialized
     has correct Funding Inputs after ApplicationEntity grabs asset ownership and initializes it (54ms)
       throws if called directly in the Funding contract
       throws if caller is not funding asset
       throws if _payment_method is not allowed (114ms)
       returns false if CurrentEntityState is not IN_PROGRESS
        CurrentEntityState is IN_PROGRESS
         returns false if ETH value is 0
         returns false if ETH value is smaller than minimum entry (414ms)
         returns false if any State changes are required (599ms)
      Funding State: IN_PROGRESS
        Funding Input: All
         has correct FundingAssetAddress
         throws if msg.value is missing
         throws if FundingAssetAddress is not set (73ms)
         throws if FundingAsset is not pointing to a Contract (57ms)
          Funding Input: Direct
           has correct type id = 1
      ↓ Direct Payment: GAS USAGE: 9039005 
           accepts payments using fallback () method and stores in valut's direct pool (425ms)
      ↓ First Direct Payment: GAS USAGE: 9039005 
      ↓ Second Direct Payment: GAS USAGE: 348715 
           accepts second payment from same investor (710ms)
           accepts second payment from same investor using both payment methods ( Direct & Milestone ) (704ms)
          Funding Input: Milestone
           has correct type id = 2
      ↓ Milestone Payment: GAS USAGE: 9039018 
           accepts payments using fallback () method and stores in valut's milestone pool (458ms)

  Contract: Funding Asset - States
   starts with state as New and requires a change to WAITING if current time is before any funding stage (278ms)
   handles ENTITY state change from NEW to WAITING when funding does not start yet (639ms)
   starts with state as New and has correct Token Balance once in WAITING state (473ms)
   handles ENTITY state change from NEW or WAITING to IN_PROGRESS when funding time start has passed (509ms)
   is in IN_PROGRESS, receives payments, pre_ico time passes, should Require change to COOLDOWN (1276ms)
   handles ENTITY state change from IN_PROGRESS to COOLDOWN when funding period time start has passed (1279ms)
   is in COOLDOWN, ico start time passes, should Require change to IN_PROGRESS (1574ms)
   handles ENTITY state change from COOLDOWN to IN_PROGRESS when next funding period time start has passed (1661ms)
   is IN_PROGRESS, ico end time passes, should Require change to FUNDING_ENDED (2141ms)
    handles ENTITY state change from IN_PROGRESS when last funding period time end has passed
     to FAILED when payments did not reach soft cap (2423ms)
     to SUCCESSFUL when payments reached soft cap (2343ms)
    handles ENTITY state change from IN_PROGRESS when Hard Cap is Reached
     to SUCCESSFUL when payments reached hard cap in first funding stage (pre-ico) (3457ms)
     to SUCCESSFUL when payments reached hard cap in last funding stage (ico) (3464ms)
    FundingManager Tasks
     handles ENTITY state change from FAILED to FAILED_FINAL after FundingManager Task Process finished (5886ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from SUCCESSFUL to SUCCESSFUL_FINAL after FundingManager Task Process finished (17190ms)
    misc for extra coverage
     isFundingStageUpdateAllowed returns false if not allowed (561ms)
     should run doStateChanges even if no changes are required (314ms)

  Contract: FundingManager Asset
   receivePayment() throws if caller is not funding asset (51ms)
     vaultNum has correct number of payments
     throws if Funding State is not "FUNDING_ENDED"
     Funding State is "FUNDING_ENDED" (4493ms)
     starts with state as New and requires a change to WAITING (127ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from NEW to WAITING (1568ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from NEW or WAITING to FUNDING_FAILED_DONE when funding state is FAILED  (9403ms)
     setVaultCountPerProcess throws if value is not higher than 0
     setVaultCountPerProcess properly sets value (52ms)
      Funding ends, has payments, but does not reach Soft Cap
       handles ENTITY state change to FUNDING_FAILED_DONE, and processes all vaults (9318ms)
      Funding ends, has payments, and Soft Cap is reached
       handles ENTITY state change to FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_DONE, and processes all vaults (8625ms)

  Contract: FundingManager Asset
    Successful funding - Token distribution
      Milestone Payments only
       SoftCap reached in pre-ico, 1 payment, 1 payment in pre-ico, 0 payments in ico (9016ms)
       SoftCap reached in ico, 1 payment, 1 account, 0 payments in pre-ico, 1 payment in ico (8018ms)
       SoftCap reached in pre-ico, 2 payments, 1 account, 1 payment in pre-ico, 1 payment in ico (10766ms)
       SoftCap reached in ico, 2 payments, 1 account, 1 payment in pre-ico, 1 payment in ico (10616ms)
       SoftCap reached in pre-ico, 2 payments, 2 accounts, 1 payment in pre-ico (account 1), 1 payment in ico (account 2) (10946ms)
       SoftCap reached in ico, 2 payments, 2 accounts, 1 payment in pre-ico (account 1), 1 payment in ico (account 2) (11090ms)
      Mixed Direct and Milestone Payments
       SoftCap reached in pre-ico, 4 payments, 2 accounts, 2 payment in pre-ico (account 1/2), 2 payment in ico (account 1/2) (11669ms)
    misc for extra coverage
     SCADA - initCacheForVariables() throws if called by other than FundingManager (5785ms)
     should run doStateChanges even if no changes are required (2057ms)
     SCADA - getTokenFraction() should run 0 if my amount is 0 (5829ms)
     SCADA - getUnsoldTokenFraction() should run 0 if my amount is 0 (5840ms)

  Contract: Milestones Asset - Settings NOT Locked
   starts with state as New and requires a change to WAITING if current time is before development start (272ms)
     works if settings are not already locked (65ms)
     throws if settings are locked (304ms)

  Contract: Milestones Asset - Settings Locked
   isRecordUpdateAllowed should return false (282ms)
     throws if trying to set Meeting time after it was already set. (5681ms)
     throws if now is @ expiry time and trying to set Meeting time at expiry time. (3830ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from WAITING to WAITING_MEETING_TIME when current time is after development start (4228ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from WAITING_MEETING_TIME to DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_FAILED when current time is after milestone end, and meeting time was not set (5314ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from WAITING_MEETING_TIME to DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_YES when current time is after milestone end, and meeting time was set (5682ms)
     handles ENTITY state change from DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_YES to VOTING_IN_PROGRESS when current time is after meeting time (7671ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset
   setVoteCountPerProcess throws if value is not higher than 0
   setVoteCountPerProcess properly sets value (55ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Settings Locked
   Asset deploys and initialises properly
    proposal creation
      type 1 - IN_DEVELOPMENT_CODE_UPGRADE - Voting Type - Milestone
       throws if called by any address other than ApplicationEntity
       creates the proposal if called by the current ApplicationEntity (369ms)
      type 2 - EMERGENCY_FUND_RELEASE - Voting Type - Milestone
       throws if called by any address other than deployer
       creates the proposal if called by the current deployer (246ms)
      type 3 - MILESTONE_POSTPONING - Voting Type - Milestone
       throws if called by any address other than deployer
       throws if duration is not higher than min postponing bylaw (48ms)
       throws if duration is higher than max postponing bylaw (60ms)
       creates the proposal if called by the current deployer with correct duration (321ms)
      type 4 - MILESTONE_DEADLINE - Voting Type - Milestone
       throws if called by any address other than MilestoneAsset
       creates the proposal if called by the current MilestoneAsset (276ms)
      type 5 - PROJECT_DELISTING - Voting Type - Tokens
       throws if called by an address that does not hold any tokens. ( none in wallet / none in vault ) (40ms)
       throws if child application is beyond FUNDING_STARTED state. (1372ms)
       creates the proposal if called by a token holder, (tokens locked in vault) (295ms)
       creates the proposal if called by a token holder, (tokens locked in vault) (297ms)
       creates the proposal if called by a token holder, (tokens in wallet) (300ms)
      misc for extra coverage
       process() throws if called by any other than ApplicationEntity
       getBylawsMilestoneMinPostponing() (66ms)
       getBylawsMilestoneMaxPostponing() (63ms)
       getVotingPower() for non existent investor (60ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Type 1 - IN_DEVELOPMENT_CODE_UPGRADE
   current proposal matches IN_DEVELOPMENT_CODE_UPGRADE settings (5066ms)
   proposal closes as VOTING_RESULT_YES when time expires and no votes are registered (5998ms)
   second application has all assets added, and more. Proposal closes as VOTING_RESULT_YES, state change results in assets getting transferred. (7728ms)
   VOTE NO @ Milestone 3 - Proposal processed. Investor uses CashBack, validate balances, can continue with next milestones (85438ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Type 2 - EMERGENCY_FUND_RELEASE
   current proposal matches EMERGENCY_FUND_RELEASE settings (148ms)
   throws if EMERGENCY_FUND_RELEASE proposal was already created once
    Proposal Created - Voting Started
     throws if trying to vote on a non existing proposal (66ms)
     throws if trying to vote on a the proposal while having no stake in it (53ms)
     Registers a valid vote if voter has a stake in the proposal, does not close voting if stake is lower than 50% (336ms)
     Registers a valid vote if voter has a stake in the proposal, closes voting if stake is higher than 50% (375ms)
     first vote NO stake below 50%, second vote YES above 50%, closes as VOTING_RESULT_YES (619ms)
     first vote NO stake below 50%, second vote NO above 50%, closes as VOTING_RESULT_NO (382ms)
     YES Vote, Annuls and registers a new valid vote if voter already voted, has a stake in the proposal, and proposal is not closed (563ms)
     NO Vote, Annuls and registers a new valid vote if voter already voted, has a stake in the proposal, and proposal is not closed (545ms)
     While more than 1 proposal is active, properly re-indexes active proposals once one is closed (724ms)
      Voting Successful - Processed before voting expiry time
       throws if trying to vote on a the proposal that has already been finalised (50ms)
       FundingManagerAsset state processed, releases ether to owner, tokens to investors, validates balances (5908ms)
      Voting Successful - Voting time expired
       FundingManagerAsset state processed, releases ether to owner, tokens to investors, validates balances (7276ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Type 3 - MILESTONE_POSTPONING
   current proposal matches MILESTONE_POSTPONING settings (147ms)
   throws if MILESTONE_POSTPONING proposal was already created once (78ms)
    Proposal Created - Voting Started
     throws if trying to vote on a non existing proposal (50ms)
     throws if trying to vote on a the proposal while having no stake in it (48ms)
     Registers a valid vote if voter has a stake in the proposal, does not close voting if stake is lower than 50% (329ms)
     Registers a valid vote if voter has a stake in the proposal, closes voting if stake is higher than 50% (355ms)
     first vote NO stake below 50%, second vote YES above 50%, closes as VOTING_RESULT_YES (593ms)
     first vote NO stake below 50%, second vote NO above 50%, closes as VOTING_RESULT_NO (387ms)
     YES Vote, Annuls and registers a new valid vote if voter already voted, has a stake in the proposal, and proposal is not closed (544ms)
     NO Vote, Annuls and registers a new valid vote if voter already voted, has a stake in the proposal, and proposal is not closed (516ms)
     While more than 1 proposal is active, properly re-indexes active proposals once one is closed (738ms)
      Voting Successful - Processed before voting expiry time
       throws if trying to vote on a the proposal that has already been finalised (50ms)
       MilestoneAsset state processed, record time_end increased (2043ms)
      Voting Successful - Voting time expired
       MilestoneAsset state processed, record time_end increased (4085ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Type 4 - MILESTONE_DEADLINE
   current proposal matches MILESTONE_DEADLINE settings (168ms)
   throws if MILESTONE_DEADLINE proposal was already created once (53ms)
    Proposal Created - Voting Started
     throws if trying to vote on a non existing proposal (51ms)
     throws if trying to vote on a the proposal while having no stake in it (45ms)
     Registers a valid vote if voter has a stake in the proposal (366ms)
     YES Vote, Annuls and registers a new valid vote if voter already voted, has a stake in the proposal, and proposal is not closed (543ms)
     NO Vote, Annuls and registers a new valid vote if voter already voted, has a stake in the proposal, and proposal is not closed (509ms)
     While more than 1 proposal is active, properly re-indexes active proposals once one is closed (13422ms)
      Voting Successful - Voting time expired
       FundingManagerAsset state processed, releases ether to owner, tokens to investors, validates balances (11064ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Type 5 - PROJECT_DELISTING
   current proposal matches PROJECT_DELISTING settings (148ms)
   throws if PROJECT_DELISTING proposal was already created once (71ms)
    Proposal Created - Voting Started
     throws if trying to vote on a non existing proposal (55ms)
     throws if trying to vote on a the proposal while having no stake in it (38ms)
     Registers a valid vote if voter has a stake in the proposal, does not require state changes if stake is lower than 50% (328ms)
     Registers multiple votes and requires state changes if stake is higher than 50% (623ms)
     Registers multiple YES votes, after processing closes as VOTING_RESULT_YES (2415ms)
     Registers multiple NO votes, after processing closes as VOTING_RESULT_NO (2369ms)
     Registers multiple MIXED votes ( most YES ), some change vote, after processing closes as VOTING_RESULT_YES (2764ms)
     Registers multiple MIXED votes ( most NO ), some change vote, after processing closes as VOTING_RESULT_NO (2698ms)
      Voting Successful - Processed before voting expiry time
       throws if trying to vote on a the proposal that has already been finalised (2047ms)
       ApplicationEntity state processed, ListingContract delists project (2016ms)
      Voting Successful - Voting time expired
       ApplicationEntity state processed, ListingContract delists project (1800ms)

  Contract: Proposals Asset - Type 6 - AFTER_COMPLETE_CODE_UPGRADE
   current proposal matches AFTER_COMPLETE_CODE_UPGRADE settings (1417ms)
   DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE, Upgrade to second app, request upgrade to third - Proposal processed. (4226ms)

  Contract: Project COMPLETION
   Development started, processes all milestones, and after last one sets application into DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE state, validates balances each step (74517ms)

  Contract: CashBack Scenario Testing
    Platform Funding Failed - Cashback Type 1 - Funding processed
     Funding Vaults allow all investors to CashBack (329ms)
     throws if CashBack is requested by other address than vault owner (investor) (113ms)
     Requesting CashBack transfers all locked ether back to the investor, validates balances and gas usage (302ms)
    Platform Funding Failed - Cashback Type 1 - Funding not processed
     Funding Vaults allow all investors to CashBack (749ms)
     throws if CashBack is requested by other address than vault owner (investor) (229ms)
     Requesting CashBack transfers all locked ether back to the investor, validates balances and gas usage (387ms)
     Once processed Funding Vaults do not allow CashBack (6497ms)
     If not processed in time, and CashBack is active, throws if trying to process (2538ms)
    Platform Funding Successful - Cashback Type 2 - Owner Missing in Action Cashback
     Funding Vaults allow all investors to CashBack (2124ms)
     MIA @ Milestone 1 - Requesting CashBack transfers all locked ether back to the investor, and locked tokens to platform owner, validates balances and gas usage (2218ms)
     MIA @ Milestone 3 - CashBack transfers all locked ether back to the investor, and locked tokens to platform owner, validates balances and gas usage (31250ms)
     MIA @ Milestone LAST - CashBack transfers all locked ether back to the investor, and locked tokens to platform owner, validates balances and gas usage (67143ms)
    Platform Funding Successful - Cashback Type 3 - Milestone Release
     Proposal processed. Funding Vault allows the investor to CashBack if majority voted NO and investor also voted NO (17574ms)
     VOTE NO @ Milestone 1 - Proposal processed. Investor uses CashBack, validate balances (2387ms)
     VOTE NO @ Milestone 1 - Proposal processed. Investor uses CashBack, validate balances, can continue with next milestones (78356ms)
     VOTE NO @ Milestone 3 - Proposal processed. Investor uses CashBack, validate balances, can continue with next milestones (79442ms)
     VOTE NO @ Milestone 3 - Proposal processed. Investor does not use CashBack, validate balances, can continue with next milestones (79353ms)
     VOTE NO @ Milestone LAST - Proposal processed. Investor uses CashBack, validate balances (67608ms)
     All investors VOTE NO and cashback at @ Milestone 3, Milestone releases now require 0 votes, automatically finalise as successful (71005ms)