DAPP Website

If you're visiting the website using a web3 enabled web browser ( Mist or Brave ), or use an ethereum wallet extension ( MetaMask ), the application will detect your account address and automatically display notifications about actions you need to consider taking.

Mobile Application

The BlockBits Mobile Notifications Application serves as the Platform's main notification channel.

Data for the BlockBits Platform is read from the ApplicationEntiy -> NewsContract, while Child Projects will be iterated through the ListingContract and their own respective NewsContract Instance.

Each News Item is linked to a parent, if said parent is setup to load notifications and news items, the respective items will be retrieved and displayed when necessary.

Can be configured to filter / just display the main news items, or just system messages for the platform or just a child project for example.

Reads directly from the blockchain and swarm / ipfs.

Available on the Apple Store and Google Play Store